New students soon discover that Saint Michael’s fosters a truly friendly and nurturing environment. Mornings will find Mrs. Miragliotta, the school principal, and teachers greeting students by name as they come into the building. Children who are dropped off early are welcomed into our before-care classroom by Mrs. McGlynn. As children head to their classrooms, they are also warmly greeted by teachers and friends in other grades and classes.
The school’s facilities – which are superior to those of many public and private schools in the area – also contribute to a positive environment for students. The spacious, well-maintained gymnasium allows each grade’s weekly gym classes to be conducted in an atmosphere that promotes fun and physical activity. The auditorium, with its large stage and new sound system, is well-used for school activities including assemblies, drama club performances and school concerts. The school also offers an sizable library and a separate computer lab with state-of-the-art networked computers, with more in each classroom.
Wander down to our Art Lab, and you will see visible signs of our students’ creativity and love of art. Just outside the lab, you’ll notice a beautiful mural of a garden scene painted on the walls. Look inside and you will see children in paint-spattered smocks diligently working on their masterpieces.
While observing the artists, you may notice the aroma of pizza, pasta or hamburgers cooking down the hall in the full-service cafeteria. Lunchtime is a very social time, giving students the opportunity to relax and enjoy each other’s company, and reconnect with siblings and friends from other classes. Each meal is preceded by and closed with a prayer.
At Saint Michael, the school day may end at 2:45, but the activities continue and students are encouraged to participate. The school’s sports program provides the opportunity to participate in instructional and competitive sports such as basketball, softball, cheerleading, volleyball, track, and bowling.
Home School Association activities such as Spooky Bingo, Breakfast with Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny Breakfast, allow our children and families socialize outside of the school day, deepening bonds among students, siblings and parents.
To accommodate working parents, the school also offers a daily after-care program. Our after-care teachers continue the friendly and nurturing environment. The after-care teachers work with the students on their homework and engage them in playtime activities.