English Grade 8
This course is designed to build upon the seventh grade curriculum to preparestudentsforHighSchoolsuccess. Studentsengageinthewriting process and produce a variety of writing pieces which include narratives, persuasive writing, open response questions, analytical writing and research-basedwriting. Instructioncontinuesingrammarandsentence
structure throughout the year in connection with the students' writing. Students keep a writing portfolio in an effort to provide teachers, parents, and students with evidence of student progress.
Course Objectives:
Randall I. Charles et al, 2009
Prentice Hall Mathematics – Pre-Algebra
Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Prentice Hall
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Teacher: Mrs. Sharon Larkin
Bellman, Allan et al 2009
Prentice Hall Mathematics – Algebra 1
Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Prentice Hall
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Reading Grades6-8
This course emphasizes student reading comprehension across literature and informational text. Students are taught to be strategic readers utilizing a variety of strategies, including text analysis, research, compare/contrast, and story analysis.
Each year students will read challenging books and articles and expand on their ability to analyze various genres of literature including, short stories, poetry, drama and essays. Novels are selected and used as a focus for discussion, comprehension and writing assignments. Specific literary terms are taught and vocabulary is addressed within the context of their reading. The ultimate goal is to produce thoughtful life long readers.
The following .texts will be used along with other selected material:
Grade -6 Spotlight on Literacy AnthologyGrade 7-8 Spotlight on Literature Anthology
Vocabulary Grades 6-8
Vocabulary Workshop Sadlier-Oxford workbook will be used to
enrichvocabularythroughouttheyear. Supplementaryworkcanbe found at www.vocabularyworksho~2,com.
Independent Reading Grades 6-8
During the course of the semester students will read books of
their choice as part of their independent reading requirement. A report/project will be assigned by their teacher for each book. Due dates for each independent reading assignment will be announced and plenty of notice will be -given. All books must be approved by their reading teacher.
Assignments are posted both in the classroom and on the St.Michael School website (smscranford.com).
Two books: Christ in the New Testament & Life in Christ Jesus
***On Fridays students will read and discuss the upcoming scripture readings for Sunday’s Mass.***
B. States of Matter
C. Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
D. Introduction to the Atom
E. Periodic Table
C. Atomic Energy
A. Matter in Motion
B. Forces in Motion
C. Forces in Fluids
B. The Cell in Action
C. Heredity
D. Gene and Gene Technology
September – US Civil War/Reconstruction
Oct/Nov – Building a Nation/West
December – Immigration/Early 1900’s
January – Becoming a World Power
February – The Gilded Age/WWI
March – Roaring 20’s/Great Depression
April – WWII/The Cold Era
May/June – New Direction
There are three individual grades assigned to Social Studies; Content Knowledge, Mapping Skills, and Projects. When determining grades and averages, chapter tests have twice the value of quizzes. A rubric will be used to grade all essays and most written assignments.
Content Knowledge: This section will include sectional quizzes, chapter tests, and homework assignments.
Mapping Skills: This section will include reading charts, graphs, maps, diagrams and timelines.
Projects: This section will include research and classroom projects. A research project is assigned during each trimester. This will be discussed with your child as the year progresses.
First Semester
Chapter 13 – Vocabulary about the environment and animals
Chapter 14 – Vocabulary about parties and gifts
Second Semester
Chapter 8 – Vocabulary about travel
Chapter 16 – Vocabulary about camping
Third Semester
Chapter 9 – Vocabulary about winter activities and sports
Chapter 10 – Vocabulary about a train trip