Half Day Full Day
PK 3
3 Day 5,100 6,700
5 Day 6,000 7,700
PK 4
5 Day 6,000 7,700
Kindergarten thru 8 Parish Rate Non-parish Rate
First child 5,400 7,000
Second child 4,525 “
Third child 3,775 “
Each additional child 0 “
Registration Fee (includes $15 HSA dues & $100 Tech fee)
Registration fee is non-refundable.
First child 275
Each additional child 150
Registration fees are due at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Parish rates apply to families who are active registered members of St. Michael’s Parish at the time of registration. Families who are registered members of a parish within the Archdiocese of Newark will also receive the Parish rate provided they are active members in their church.
Payment Options
If payment in full is made to the school by June 30th,a family may deduct $100 in tuition for each child.
Tuition payment may be made in ten equal installments (July through April). St. Michael School has contracted FACTS Management Company to provide tuition billing and collection services.
Transfers also require:
Contact the school office for information on the Scholarship Fund for Inner City Children and the Saint Michael Parish Scholarship. This aid is a need-based scholarship opportunity available to students enrolled in Saint Michael School. For financial aid information contact the school office.
Education at St. Michael’s is funded by a combination of tuition, family fundraising and Archdiocese parish support. St. Michael’s families take an active role in raising funds for the school. Archdiocesan funding guidelines require that 10% of a school’s operating budget come from fundraising activities. In addition to tuition, each family is required to raise $550 annually through donations, fundraising and volunteer activities.