6 Very good
Response is complete and superior in development, with fine use of language and mechanics. The writing is clearly focused on a topic and has logical, well-developed support. There is a clear sense of voice, purpose, and audience. Balance, precise vocabulary, and sophistication set this response apart.
5 Good
Response is clear and well organized. It has a clear sense of purpose and few errors in mechanics or language. There is logical development of a topic, with good support. Response shows a good command of language, with spelling errors on above-grade-level words only. This response is balanced and complete.
4 Acceptable
Response is completely organized and developed with adequate use of language and mechanics. The piece follows an organizational plan to closure. Development may be brief, with few examples, but it is focused on a topic. Vocabulary is good, and common words are spelled correctly.
3 Below Acceptable
Response is scantly developed. Frequent errors in mechanics and language detract from the whole. There is some focus on a topic and some support, though lapses in logic or balance may occur, or the support may be a listing. Vocabulary is adequate but occasionally vague. An organizational plan is evident but weak.
2 Poor
Response is poor. Errors in language and mechanics may obscure the meaning. There is little evidence of focus on a topic or of an organizational plan. Support is suggested but weakly articulated, possibly a listing. Poor vocabulary and spelling inhibit understanding.
1 Unacceptable
Response is scarcely coherent. Errors obscure meaning. There is no balance, little or no logic, and little or no attention to a topic.